fishing Dartmouth sea angling Devon uk charter boat shore plaice turbot bass river dart


It's Friday evening, 24th August and I've just returned home after a wonderful day out in my own boat, "Smokin' Bloata" fishing the "Skerries" off Dartmouth.

It was made even better by the company of two pals, visiting from Sussex, who were new to sea angling.

Will Best, age 10 years caught a variety of fish including mackerel; red gurnard; tub gurnard; lesser spotted dogfish; and a superb Plaice which weighed 3lbs 1 oz.  Not bad for his first day sea angling.

Danny Perry, (a big kid aged 30 yrs), was delighted to catch a superb Bass, weighing in excess of 3 lbs.

Danny also caught several red gurnard; mackerel; and a garfish measuring over 18 inches long.  Quite a day for all concerned!

There's something very rewarding about introducing others to the art of sea angling.  It can often feel better than catching fish yourself.

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